92 (4/2023)

1. Hanna Holieva
A detailed analysis of the literature on the pathogenetic features of hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroiditis
2. Vasyl Humeniuk
Pedagogical activity as constituent part of future doctors of medicine activity
3. Iryna Kucheruk
A competent approach to the study of the educational component «medical and pharmaceutical commodity science» by bachelors in the conditions of distance learning
4. Maryna Oksiutovych
The main symptoms and diagnosis of the post-traumatic stress disorder
5. Anatolii Chuhriiev
Estimation of SARS-COV-2 antibodies prevalence among blood donors in the regions of Ukraine
6. Vitalii Hereliuk
Higher medical education modernization and efficiency in simulation training context
7. Nadiia Popovich
Simulation training as a response to modern challenges in the training of personnel in nursing
8. Mariia Liublinska
Особливості формування клінічного мислення у здобувачів освіти на практичних заняттях з медсестринства в педіатрії / Peculiarities of the formation of clinical thinking in students of education
in practical classes in nursing in pediatrics
9. Aleksandra Wiśniewska, Alicja Moczydłowska, Ewa Perkowska
Zjawisko wypalenia zawodowego wsród personelu pielęgniarskiego pracującego w Oddziałach Intensywnej Terapii / The professional burnout phenomenon among nursing personnel working in intensive care units
10. Mariana Ilkiv
Technologies for preventing and overcoming emotional burnout of teachers

ZN-92-4 2023
ZN-92-4 2023
2.0 MiB