90 (2/2023)

1. Viktoriia Zhukovska
Ontological and epistemological premises of construction grammar
2. Oleksandr Zhukovskiy
National minority vocational schools on Right Bank Ukraine in the 1920s and early 1930s
3. Kateryna Yaroshchuk
Conceptual bases of the formation of professional and ethical culture of future teachers of inclusive training
4. Liana Naumenko
Formation of students’ communicative competence in the context of the Russian – Ukrainian war
5. Olena Dolhopol
University as a center of adaptation of non-residents to study and live in a foreign country
6. Iryna Tamozhska
Stimulating the foreign medical students` professional and cognitive motivation to master the skills of business communication during language training
7. Mariia Fedorova
Children’s ability to make a moral choice in older preschool age as a component of the formation of moral values
8. Olena Hordiienko
Improving the speech culture of future bachelors through didactic games in Ukrainian language classes for professional orientation
9. Yanina Karlinska
Coaching and mentoring as relevant educational technologies in the conditions of distance learning
10. Larysa Khalanchuk
Visualization of methods for solving mathematical problems using software
11. Yuliia Kolisnyk-Humeniuk
Conceptual bases of training of teachers for innovative pedagogical activity
12. Marush Inna Viktorivna
The use of interactive teaching methods on the example of the method of „Brainstorming” in students for the formation of analytical competence
13. Viktor Zahlada
To the problem of value orientations of science
14. Hanna Baziuk
Use of the case method in the educational process

15. Natalia Kliasen, Zoia Sharlovych
Organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the process of professional growth of a teacher in the system of post-graduate pedagogical education
16. Oleg Bardadym
Main approaches to the formation of information and digital competence of future teachers of natural sciences
17. Svitlana Davydova
Formation of the project method (historical aspect) and its significance in the professional training of future specialists in fine arts in the XXI century
18. Iryna Galutskikh
Cognitive-poetic analysis of textual categories among research approaches of active methods of teaching literary text interpretation to students of language specialties of higher educational institutions
19. Iryna Holubovska
The role of language culture in the process of professional development of future primary school teachers
20. Bohdan Huba
Informing society and education
21. Liudmyla Hutsalo
Formation of critical thinking in the process of professional training of future history teachers
22. Tetiana Hyrina
The potential of informal education in higher education: The experience of the State Tax University (Irpin)
23. Olha Ishchenko
Problems and innovations of mathematical training of future specialists in the agrarian sphere in distance learning
24. Oleksandr Maksymov
Status of Ukrainian women in modern society through the prism of deviant behaviour
25. Olena Maksymova
Preschool children’s experience of success in play activities
26. Oksana Markevych
The project method and peculiarities of its application in teaching history disciplines in higher education
27. Tetyana Motuzenko
Innovative technologies in the physical education in University
28. Olesia Tieliezhkina
Formation of discursive competence of future philologists

29. Olena Vdovenko
Formation of methodological competence of masters of industrial training in the process of professional training
30. Olha Bilobrovets
European experience in organizing lifelong learning
31. Olha Litvinova-Holovan
Modern experience of dual form education in higher education institutions of Ukraine

ZN 90-2-2023 Bezpieczenstwo
ZN 90-2-2023 Bezpieczenstwo
3.4 MiB