84 (4/2021)

1. Olesia Horodyska
Breeding buckwheat for drought tolerance in the conditions of Podillia
2. Luidmyla Vilchynska
Breeding buckwheat in Podillia and the usage of its results in the educational proces
3. Vasyl Puiu
Yield of sunflower seeds depending on the use of mineral fertilizers and biological products
4. Rita Klymyshena
Grain yield of spring barley depending on the effect of mineral fertilization
5. Tetiana Kozina
Agroecological features of seed productivity increase of white mustard in the conditions of Podillia
6. Tetiana Kushniruk
Land cadastral accounting of land resources of Ukraine with the use of GIS technologies
7. Veronika Khomina
Yields of milk thistle depending on agronomic measures
8. Nina Korevo
Formation of students’ professional competencies and soft-skills during the study of phytopathology
9. Olha Koruniak
Application of coaching as innovative teaching technology in preparing future agrarians
10. Danylo Plakhtii
Impact of inoculation on soybean seed productivity in the southern part of the western forest-steppe
11. Vitalii Stepanchenko
The formation of highly productive forage phytocenoses

12. Vitalii Burdyha
Perspectives use of the collection of the world genefund of the genus Fagopyrum Mill in agriculture production

ZN-84-4-2021 Got
ZN-84-4-2021 Got
1.6 MiB