88 (4/2022)

1. Kateryna Petrova
The role of latin in the professional development of future medical professionals in the system of higher education in Ukraine
2. Olga Fiedosieieva
The use of dual education in the training of paramedics at the Chekasy Medical Academy
3. Oksana Pidgorna
Formation of didactic competence of the teacher of medical high school by means of art-clinical imitaion of patological states
4. Halyna Stepanova
Individual approach to the formation of professional competence of future specialists in family medicine
5. Iryna Vasylenko
Information technologies in medicine: training future specialists
6. Maryna Cherepanova
Adaptation the first-year students of pharmaceutical department at higher education institution
7. Rita Saifudinova
Competence approach to teaching pharmacology for medical academy students
8. Valentyna Kopetchuk
Pedagogical skills as an integral part of advanced professional training of higher education medical institutions teachers
9. Olena Kravchenko
Formation of professional ethics of bachelor`s in nursing in higher education institution
10. Renata Lechojda, Alicja Moczydłowska, Joanna Szwarc-Woźniak
The level of knowledge among the nurses about the education of patients after thyroid surgery
11. Dorota Łapińska, Alicja Moczydłowska, Jan Urban
Contemporary women`s knowledge on the prevention and treatment of urinary incontinence
12. Katarzyna Agata Wiśniewska, Alicja Moczydłowska
Patients` knowledge about Lyme disease and tick borne encephalitis
13. Joanna Eustachiewicz, Alicja Moczydłowska, Dorota Kukowska
Patients` level of knowledge about lifestyle with obstructive pulmonary disease
14. Beata Agnieszka Gołębiewska, Alicja Moczydłowska, Zbigniew Puchalski
Quality of life of patients after hip replacement

15. Zoia Sharlovych
Continuous professional training and activities of nursery specialists as a dynamic process of the development of their professional skills

ZN-88-4 2022 Got
ZN-88-4 2022 Got
1.7 MiB